Oct 31 deadline for abstracts and proposals of symposia
The 2012 International Labour Process Conference will take place, as announced, at the University of Stockholm. The deadline for submissions of proposals for abstracts and symposia is 31st October 2011. Details of the conference are contained within this poster.
Proposals for abstracts and symposia can be submitted through the conference website. You have to login to get access, and if you do not have an account there is a simple procedure to sign up.
The website now contains full details of the four special streams that will supplement the general conference. These consist of:
-S1: Lean in ideology and practice: from labour process and societal effects perspectives
-S2: Putting labour in its place: The Global Commodity Chain, the Global Value Chain, the Global Production Network and Labour Process Analysis
-S3: Work or nature? The Effects of Climate Change on the Labour Process and the Responses of the Labour Movement in the Global South and the Global North
-S4: Global capitalism, national institutions and the comparative political economy of work and employment relations
For updates and dialogue go to the conference blog
We look forward to seeing you in Stockholm,
Fredrik Movitz
Åke Sandberg
Lotta Stern
All at Stockholm University, department of Sociology