”Equality, Growth and Innovation – In Theory and Practice”


Call for papers

9-10 October 2013, Luleå, Sweden
Call for papers

Welcome to an international conference about social aspects of sustainable growth and innovation. The conference discusses the relation between equality, growth and innovation based on experiences from theory and practice. Both researchers and practitionners are welcome to participate in the conference.

The initiators of the conference are VINNOVA (the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems), FAS (the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research), the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, Includegender.org and the European Social Funds thematic groups Equal Treatment and Workplace Learning.

You are warmly welcome to contribute with an abstract on any of these themes:
* Promoting equal innovation
* Social and service innovation in working life
* Public sector innovation for quality and growth
* Methods and results of equality efforts
* Masculinities and femininities in transition

The themes are described at www.ltu.se/EGI (english version: www.ltu.se/EGIinenglish)

Abstracts should comprise 150-200 words and indicate preferred conference theme

Submit your abstract to egi@ltu.se before 28 Feb 2013

Call for papers EGI 9-10 Oct 2013 (pdf)


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