Tensions in the field of Health Care


OmslagNu finns Tensions in the field of Health Care av Yvonne Johansson köpa från Adlibris eller Bokus.

Boken är #1 2013 i Arbetsliv i omvandling.

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In most health and social care sectors in the Western world during the last few decades there have been increased demands for a more scientifically supported knowledge base in practice. The gap between scientifically generated knowledge and practice is generally considered a dilemma, and to reduce this gap, and to respond to requirements for a more integrated care within health and social care sectors, networks are emerging as a solution. This study focuses nine research and development (R&D) networks set up to promote a professional approach to care and strengthen the collaboration between health care sectors in a Swedish health care setting.

The research project was embedded in an action research approach intended to encourage network development by means of a dialogical process.

The specific research question was: What are the actors’ perceptions of knowledge networks and how might we account for the networks’ evolution, role and ways of working? Bourdieu’s concepts reproduction and symbolic violence were used as analytical tools and were chosen as a way of answering and explaining the empirical story line.



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