Labour markets in a Swedish, European and Global perspective


Invitation to participate in The Swedish National Research School in Work Science

Labour markets in a Swedish, European and Global perspective (7.5 credits), first half of spring semester 2014
This course is part of the Swedish national research school in work science II managed by Forum för arbetslivsforskning, FALF with funding from the Swedish research council for Health, Working Life and Wellfare (FORTE). In total the research school comprises six courses given once every semester 2013-2015.

The course Labour markets in a Swedish, European and Global perspective is intended for students that want to develop their knowledge and understanding on globalisation and its effects on work and employment relations. The course starts out from globalisation and the increasing mobility of capital, goods, services and labour. From a global perspective employment patterns in Sweden, in some European countries and in some “new” emerging economies are discussed and analysed. Using Sweden and its development as a reference point, institutions and labour market actors and their different roles are studied. The “Swedish Model” is compared to labour market models in other countries. The course also discusses labour market policies and their effects on (un-)employment, marginalisation and mobility. Different regimes and their consequences for employment conditions are analysed from different theoretical perspectives.

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