Invitation to participate in The Swedish National Research School in Work Science
Inbjudan att delta i Nationella forskarskolan i arbetsvetenskap
Labour markets in a Swedish, European and Global perspective (7.5 credits), first half of spring semester 2014
Arbetsmarknadsregimer i ett svenskt, europeiskt och globalt perspektiv, (7,5 hp.)
This course is part of the Swedish national research school in work science II managed by Forum för arbetslivsforskning, FALF with funding from the Swedish research council for Health, Working Life and Wellfare (FORTE). In total the research school comprises six courses given once every semester 2013-2015. For more information, see
The course Labour markets in a Swedish, European and Global perspective is intended for students that want to develop their knowledge and understanding on globalisation and its effects on work and employment relations. The course starts out from globalisation and the increasing mobility of capital, goods, services and labour. From a global perspective employment patterns in Sweden, in some European countries and in some “new” emerging economies are discussed and analysed. Using Sweden and its development as a reference point, institutions and labour market actors and their different roles are studied. The “Swedish Model” is compared to labour market models in other countries. The course also discusses labour market policies and their effects on (un-)employment, marginalisation and mobility. Different regimes and their consequences for employment conditions are analysed from different theoretical perspectives.
To attract students with experiences of different national systems the course will be given in English*. It is open for doctoral students admitted to a position at Swedish universities. We will strive to admit research students so that there is a spread across universities, gender and scientific disciplines. Doctoral students from outside Gothenburg will have their travel costs paid by The Swedish National Research School in Work Science II. The maximum number of students is 12-15.
Participants must be admitted to postgraduate research studies with a position at a Swedish university co-operating with Swedish national research school in work science.
Time frames
The course has three lunch-to-lunch campus meetings at the Department of Sociology and Work Science at the University of Gothenburg in the first half of the spring semester 2014. Campus meetings are on 6-7 February 2014, 25-26 February, and 19-20 March.
Responsible teachers
Associate professor Tommy Isidorsson, Assistant Professor Mattias Bengtsson, Associate professor Tomas Berglund, Senior professor Bengt Furåker, Associate professor Kristina Håkansson, Professor emeritus Bernt Schiller. All teachers are active labour market researchers at the Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg.
To get the best available literature recent textbooks and articles are under evaluation by the responsible teachers. However, it is likely that some of the rich publications by the lecturers are going to be used. So far we have decided the following books.
Standing, Guy (2009) Work after Globalization: Building Occupational Citizenship, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 366,
Frege, Carola & John Kelly (2013) Comparative Employment Relations in the Global Economy, Oxon: Routledge, 444 pages
Lundh, Christer (2004) ”Wage Formation and Institutional Change in the Swedish Labour Market” in Lundh, Christer, Jonas Olofsson, Lennart Schön, & Lars Svensson, Wage Formation, Labour Market Institutions and Eco-nomic Transformation in Sweden 1850-2000, p 92-143, Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International. PDF
Content, examinations and grading
The three campus meetings in Gothenburg comprise lectures and seminars. A more detailed schedule will be published prior to the course. Students write papers prior to the second and third campus meeting. Papers are discussed at seminars. Final papers are the basis for examination. The grades are Pass (G) and Fail (U).
How to apply
Use the form found here (application.pdf).
Tommy Isidorsson
Associate professor
Department of Sociology and Work Science,
University of Gothenburg, Box 720,
SE 405 30 Göteborg, SWEDEN.
Phone:+46(0)317865501, Mobile:+46(0)709266371, Facsimile:+46(0)317864764,
Visiting address: Skanstorget 18, Gothenburg
Internet address:
* If there are only Swedish spoken students the course will be given in Swedish.