A vacancy for an Experienced Researcher within the Marie Curie ‘ChangingEmployment’ ITN for the period of 11 months. The post will be based in the Université D’Evry (Paris, France), one of the full partners in the network.
Mentor-Supervisor: Professor Stephen Bouquin.
Project title: Social dialogue as multi-level governance in times of change: employer and employee experiences (links to Work Package 1, Work Package 5, Work Package 10, Work Package 11.
Objectives: Monitoring and coordination of ESR project under Theme 1. Follow-up, support and organisation of communication flow between Theme 1 ESRs. Work on development and assist management of ChangingEmployment website with Strathclyde and Gothenburg. Assist coordination of Theme 2 and Theme 3. Co-operate closely with consultingeuropa and EDF. Agenda preparation for milestone meetings for duration of ER1. Organisation of first annual colloquium and training event (Network school) as well as preparation of milestone meetings. Preparation edition of a book. Monitoring and support for article drafts by ESR.
Eligibility requirements:
Experienced researcher: means a researcher who, at the time of recruitment by the beneficiary, is: 1) in possession of a doctoral degree, independently of the time taken to acquire it, or has at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience and 2) has less than five years of full-time equivalent research experience. Candidates can only apply for a position in a country in which they have not been domiciled for more than 12 months in the previous three years prior to appointment. In addition, to qualify for the post, at the time of appointment. Experienced Researchers (ER) will have a PhD in a social science discipline and can only apply for a position in a country in which they have not been domiciled for more than 12 months in the previous three years prior to appointment.
French and English speaker.
Living and Mobility Allowances
Living and Mobility Allowances vary according to the country where the appointing institution is located, reflecting differences in living expenses. They are calculated by means of the application of country-specific correction coefficients to standard allowances across all countries, as specified in the FP7 People Work Programme. They are subject to the compulsory reductions (taxation, social charges) of the countries concerned.
Annual Living Allowances:
Experienced researchers (< 10 years experience) 58,500 Euros, with country coefficient adjustment
Monthly Living Allowance:
700 Euros for researchers without a family and 1000 Euros for researchers with a family.
Researchers also have access to training monies for eligible activities in the project, to be determined and agreed in advance under the direction of the relevant supervisor, management supervisory board and coordinator.
Further information is attached and information about the network can be found www.changingemployment.eu Application is by cover letter and CV to Professor Stephen Bouquin: stephen.bouquin@wanadoo.fr (Cc: Professor Paul Stewart, programme co-ordinator: paul.stewart.100@strath.ac.uk), The Université D’Evry (Paris, France) by 7 February 2014.