Job Mobility and Employability in Relation to Age and Health in Nordic Countries and Germany


Call for papers for a series of two workshops 

  • Workshop 1 on May 26-27, 2014 at the Stockholm University (Sweden)
  • Workshop 2 on September 18-19, 2014 at the University of Jyväskylä (Finland)

Problems of youth unemployment in Nordic countries were much debated in the media recently. A reason for the high unemployment of young adults entering the labour market in Nordic countries is the seniority principle which entails high job stability for older employees. The employment system thus leads to high unemployment and temporary employment among young adults and requires older employees to stay in their jobs to secure employment protection. Additionally, older workers who lose their jobs encounter difficulties to re-enter the labour market and may choose to retire earlier than initially planned and years before they reach retirement age. Thus, while high job insecurity and demands of job mobility occur for young adults, job mobility and employability of older employees remain low. Unemployment and job insecurity negatively affect the well-being of young adults, but also older employees suffer from remaining in their jobs despite a growing mismatch with their competencies. Neither the younger nor the older employees are able to fully develop their career due to a lack of opportunities to find attractive jobs. In comparison, the dual system of vocational education in Germany helps young adults to enter the labour market with more ease and is tested in Sweden to support integration into the employment system.

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