Call for Abstracts


Threats and Possibilities Facing Nordic Working Life
The 7th Nordic Working Life Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, June 11-13 2014

Dear Nordic Working Life Researchers,

The Nordic working life research community has a common interest to meet and discuss Nordic working life. In 2011 time was ripe for the first issue of the new Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies and in 2012 the Nordic Working Life Conference was reinstalled after a break of some 10 years. The NWLC 2014 in Gothenburg is a joint venture with the Swedish working life research organisation Forum för arbetslivsforskning FALF and its yearly conference. NWLC2014 offers a grand possibility for mutual inspiration and cooperation. By arranging the conference NWLC2014 we wish to create a forum for fellow researchers to discuss Threats and Possibilities Facing Nordic Working Life.

You will find more information in the web page


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