2021-års inköp av arbetslivsforskningslitteratur


Genom ett samarbete mellan Arbetsmiljöhögskolan (AMH), Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetens bibliotek och Universitetsbiblioteket vid Lunds universitet erbjuds du som FALF-medlem nu tillgång till söktjänst med fulltextaccess för e-böcker. Denna tjänst är ett led i att öka tillgängligheten till arbetslivsorienterad litteratur för FALFs medlemmar.

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Baldry, Chris & Hyman, Jeff (2022). Sustainable work and the environmental crisis: the link between labour and climate change. London: Routledge. ISBN:9780429317286. 270 USD.

Boniwell, Ilona, Suzy Green & Wendy-Ann Smith (2021). Positive Psychology Coaching in the Workplace. Cham: Springer. ISBN:9783030799526. 149 USD.

Calvard, Thomas (2021[2021]). Critical perspectives on diversity in organizations. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN:9781351799171. 285 USD

Cappelli, Peter (2021[2021]). The future of the office: work from home, remote work, and the hard choices we all face. Philadelphia, PA: Wharton School Press. ISBN:97816136331362. 34 USD. 

Cleaver, Naomi & Frearson, Amy (2021). All together now: the co-working and co-living revolution. Newcastle upon Tyne: RIBA Publishing. ISBN:9781000375275. 92 USD. 

Sarah Cook (2021). Well-being in the workplace: a guide to resilience for individuals and teams. IT Governance Publishing. ISBN:9781787783171. 44 USD.

Dahlman, Susanne (2021). Strategic internal communication: a practitioner’s guide to implementing cutting-edge methods for improved workplace culture. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN:9781000177251. 65 USD.

Dochy, F. J. R. C., Gijbels, David, Segers, Mien & Bossche, Piet Van den (2021). Theories of workplace learning in changing times. Second edition London: Routledge. ISBN:9781000424751. 270 USD.

Drayton, Michael (2021). Anti-burnout: how to create a psychologically safe and high-performance organisation. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN:9781000329995. 76 USD.

Ferreira (red.) (2021). Agile Coping in the Digital Workplace. Cham: Springer. ISBN:9783030702281. 149 USD

Kaufmann-Buhler, Jennifer (2021). Open plan: a design history of the American office. New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts. ISBN:9781350044715. 168 USD.

Marques, Joan (red.) (2021). The Routledge companion to happiness at work. New York: Routledge. ISBN:9781000180152. 413 USD.

McNeese, Michael, Salas, Eduardo & Endsley, Mica R. (red.) (2021). Fields of practice and applied solutions within distributed team cognition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. ISBN:9780429861024. 300 USD.

Moses, Julia (2019[2018]). The first modern risk: workplace accidents and the origins of European social states. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781108631037. 140 USD.   

O’Donnell, Ria (2021). Transformative Digital Technology for Effective Workplace Learning. Auerbach Publications.ISBN:9781000514124. 247 USD.

Sander, Gerald G., Tomljenović, Vesna. & Bodiroga-Vukobrat, Nada. (red.) (2018). Transnational, European, and National Labour Relations Flexicurity and New Economy. Cham: Springer. ISBN:9783319022192. 258 USD.

Sessa, Valerie I. & Bowling, Nathan A. (red.) (2021). Essentials of job attitudes and other workplace psychological constructs. New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN:9781000282771. 270 USD

Sharma, Kajal Anurag, Cooper, Cary L. & Pestonjee, Dinyar Minocher (red.) (2021). Organizational stress around the world: research and practice. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN:9781000300628. 270 USD

Sjöstedt Landén, Angelika, Giritli Nygren, Katarina & Fotaki, Marianna (red.) (2021). Working life and gender inequality: intersectional perspectives and the spatial practices of peripheralization. New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN:9781000367720. 278 USD.

Yenilmez, Meltem İnce Yenilmez & Huyugüzel-Kişla, Gül Ş. (red.) (2021). The economics of gender equality in the labour market: policies in Turkey and other emerging economies. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN:9781000351460. 270 USD.

Zalewski, Jacqueline M. (2019). Working lives in-House Outsourcing: Chewed-Up by Two Masters. London: Routledge. ISBN:9780429885549. 270 USD.

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